Sunday, July 31, 2011

What could we ask more ?

Yesterday was Daniel's last opportunity to visit Seoul. Both Maximes and I went with him. Our main goal was to do some sightseeing and as you'll see in the next video, we fulfilled it quite well ^_^ Awesome architecture, traditional markets, artificial river in the middle of the city, what could we ask more ?

Maxime B. had something in mind: ''How about we find a Go Club and challenge some people ?''. Easier said than done, but we were lucky...

Info-man showed  us where to find the closest one on the map

Quite small, well hidden, but we found it !
We unfortunately forgot to take pictures inside... it all happened to fast. One of the players accepted Max's challenge, gave him 2 stones and crushed him. He didn't play well and I think it's because he got caught by his opponent's rhythm, he played extremely fast. Seeing this, Daniel challenged him in an even game. He also played fast and also got crushed. We left the club, mystified. The guy didn't seem to be that strong, but we couldn't really evaluate his level...

Looking for revenge, Max kept looking for another Go club while we were trying to decide where to eat. He spotted one, we went in, but the lady at the front desk explained us we were not welcomed. Actually, she said bye with her hand and showed us the door ^_^. 

A few minutes later, it was my turn to spot a Go club, on the fifth floor of a shady building. We went in, and it was actually very nice. For 2500 won per person (about 2,50$), we could stay for as long as we wanted, get some coffee and some sweet vitamin juice. At first, they wanted us to play each other, but when I told them our ranks on Tygem, they understood we didn't come to try the game... 

Sorry for my photograph skills.  We can see Maxime's hand in lower left corner.
Yellow t-shirt is Daniel
Daniel was the first one to find an opponent, a 5d tygem. They played 2 games and he won both. I played the guy sitting on Daniel's left, probably 3-4d tygem, and I also won. Maxime played a much weaker opponent, gave some handicap, and also won. Ironically, the other Maxime, who was looking for revenge, couldn't find an opponent. When we left, people asked us to come back. They treated us extremely well, and I'll definitely go back ! What could we ask more ?

Daniel also had something in mind. He said: ''Hey, maybe we could find a bookstore... I want the latest book of the series Game of Thrones...'' As you'll see in the next video, we did find a bookstore, a huge one. We found his book and even nice Baduk books ^_^ What could we ask more ?

Maxime Joncas also had something in mind : '' How about we visit some park. Would be also nice if we found some palace or maybe a temple....''. They I added : '' Yeah, and it would be funny if some people played Go in that park !''. The bad news is that the palace was closed on Saturday. But as you'll see in this last video, what could we ask more ?

When we came back, there was a goodbye party and today, we accompanied Daniel to the bus. Finally, if there's one more thing I could ask, it would be that time didn't pass so quickly.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mountain Blast

From Thursday to Saturday, we went to the mountain. The place where we stayed was very nice, a huge chalet surrounded by awesome landscapes. Unfortunately, the weather was not so good and we couldn't go hiking. Still, we did so many things that time passed very fast.

On the first day, we went to swim in a nearby river. Blackie showed us a nice spot close to a fall. Since it was raining like crazy, nobody brought their camera but we were quite lucky... When we arrived, somebody was taking pictures of the fall and Diana asked him if he could take a few of us and send them by e-mail. Here's one of them ^_^ (Marc and Youngsam were also there but they didn't feel like swimming)

From left to right: Blackie, Maxime Joncas, Diana, me,
Jon, Daniel, and Maxime Bergeron
On the second second day, we played a huge team game. The teams were as follow:

TEAM 1               TEAM 2     
Youngsam             Blackie         
Marc                     Diana          
Daniel                    Jon        
me                        Max J.
                             Max B.   

The idea was to play various games using these teams and to accumulate points. In the end, the losing team has to go through a punishment. Both teams agreed on drinking a cauldron of beer mixed with soju ^_^. 

The first game was foot volleyball. We played on a tennis court and it was pretty dark, but still quite fun. Team 1 won 2-0 and gained 1 point. 

The second game was quite original. A lightning game from the Korean Baduk League was starting at 9pm and Diana had a nice idea. Team 1 had to guess black moves and Team 2 had to guess white moves. The first team to reach 40 good guesses wins. It was pretty close, but team Team 2 won and the score was now 1-1.

Game 3 was funny, Blackie and Younsam both had a list of words (animals, sports and baduk terms) and they had to explain them to their team, in English. The team who guessed the best won. Team 2 won again and the score was now 1-2.

Game 4 was harder, but even funnier. A member of each team chose a sentence in Korean. The goal was to pronounce it well enough so that it reaches the last teammate unchanged, or at least not too much. We also did the same with french sentences. Team 1 did a bit better and the score was now 2-2.

Needing a deciding game, Diana proposed that we  play arm-wrestling. We played Nongshim cup style (winner stays). Jon showed some power by crushing everybody in team 1 except me. Then, I won against Max Joncas and Blackie, forcing them to drink the huge bowl of soju.

Finally, here's a short a short video of the surroundings I took before leaving:

The next day, Marc was leaving for the EGC. Since he comes back after we go back to Canada, we bought a Bee Character Chocolate Cake for him ^_^.

Very good cake from Paris Baguette 

No, this post is not over yet ! After Marc left, Daniel Max Joncas and I went to explore Sanbon a bit. It seems that unconsciously we were heading toward the mountain. We found a random hiking trail, and climbed for about 1h30. Here's what it looked like ^_^ :

Since we had no clue we would climb a mountain, we didn't bring anything to drink... So when we came back from the mountain, we bought beverages as soon as we could. Daniel chose a particularly interesting one :


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

GSTL + Cory's party

Last Friday,  we went to a very special place! Since Daniel and Marc are big fans of Starcraft 2, we decided to go the GSTL studios (global starcraft 2 team league) to assist to some pro level matches. It was a lot of fun, even for those who didn't know the game very well. The crowd was quite something, it's always funny to see how intense a video game can become! We were cheering for team FXOpen, since it's the team with the most foreigners, but they lost badly to NSHoseo (4-1). We made a nice poster to cheer up QXC in his final match but even that couldn't save him... After these matches, it was IM against Zenex, with some very high-level games, but IM prevailed 4-2. You can see all the money that's behind this show in this little video.  That was definitely worth the long subway ride!

Also, yesterday was Cory's goodbye party. Diana and Blackie asked him where he'd like to eat and he chose meat buffet (korean BBQ). Food was very good and we had a lot of fun with the owner of the school. He showed us various ''drinking games'' and magic tricks.

Then, it was time for 노래방 (Karaoke). Youngsam sang for the first time and was very good. Blackie, as usual, was quite impressive. He even sang a song in Chinese... 

Tomorrow, we go to the mountain for three days. There should be a nice post about it pretty soon !

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Welcome party + Challenge of a Dream

There are now 5 Quebecers at BIBA. Maxime Joncas, a good friend of ours ,  finally decided to join us and arrived yesterday. We went to a meat buffet for his welcome party and the food was awesome. Here's a short video. Notice that first, Maxime is filming so we can't see him and second, I'm persuaded he's taking a picture instead of a video ^_^

After dinner, we played a small tournament of atari go. The game is simple, it's normal go with one more rule: you have to drink when you play atari. Of course, self-atari also counts so playing ko can be very nasty. It's not rare that taking the ko makes double atari, so you have to drink 3 times counting the self atari... Ladders should also be avoided, unless you are invincible like the owner of the school :p

There were 9 players so we made 2 teams. Here are the parings and the results:

Maxime Joncas VS Blackie and Cory, 3 stones (they played as 1 player, alternating): Maxime lost
(Blackie didn't play a single atari ^_^)

Jean-Sébastien VS Diana, 3 stones : J-S won

Owner of the School VS Maxime Bergeron, 3 stones : Maxime lost
(the owner drank pure soju during the whole game and didn't seem to feel it at all ^_^)

Marc VS Jon : Jon won

Daniel served soju (mixed with juice) instead of playing because he had an important game the next day. He had the opportunity to play on Baduk TV for a show called Challenge of a Dream in which amateurs play against pro players. His opponent was 윤지희 (Yoon Jihee) 3p and the handicap was 3 stones. Daniel lost by 7 points. Here's a short video of the review.

We should get a record of the show quite soon so I should be able to post it. The game record will also come soon. Daniel is sleeping right now and I can't remember the whole game. See you !