After dinner, we played a small tournament of atari go. The game is simple, it's normal go with one more rule: you have to drink when you play atari. Of course, self-atari also counts so playing ko can be very nasty. It's not rare that taking the ko makes double atari, so you have to drink 3 times counting the self atari... Ladders should also be avoided, unless you are invincible like the owner of the school :p
There were 9 players so we made 2 teams. Here are the parings and the results:
Maxime Joncas VS Blackie and Cory, 3 stones (they played as 1 player, alternating): Maxime lost
(Blackie didn't play a single atari ^_^)
Jean-Sébastien VS Diana, 3 stones : J-S won
Owner of the School VS Maxime Bergeron, 3 stones : Maxime lost
(the owner drank pure soju during the whole game and didn't seem to feel it at all ^_^)
Marc VS Jon : Jon won
Daniel served soju (mixed with juice) instead of playing because he had an important game the next day. He had the opportunity to play on Baduk TV for a show called Challenge of a Dream in which amateurs play against pro players. His opponent was 윤지희 (Yoon Jihee) 3p and the handicap was 3 stones. Daniel lost by 7 points. Here's a short video of the review.
We should get a record of the show quite soon so I should be able to post it. The game record will also come soon. Daniel is sleeping right now and I can't remember the whole game. See you !
Merci JeanSeb pour les infs sur le blog. Ca fait toujours une lecture intéressante. Je vous souhaite bonne persévérance!